For those of you who don't know about this trail it is a 97-mile trail that runs from RI to NH in the middle of MA. There is very little information about this on the Web but you can look at the pretty website... www.
I emailed my regular hiking group (if you want to be added to the list let me know) and we made plans to head south for some hiking on March 30th. We planned a 6 mile hike from one car to the RI boarder and then to the other side of Douglas State Forest.
Here's the crew for the day.....
The trail was quite flat, we may have gained a few hundred feet of elevation and pretty dry. I missed the first shelter on the trail, totally never saw it. But there was a neat circular well (we think). Savoie and Dan M. really cranked up the pace and kept us all going.
Ben pretended to be the little hiker dude on the orange triangle blazes...
Doesn't he look like a professional hiker?
Afterwards, as with any of our trips, we went out for dinner (again if you want to be included let me know). Ben is now in charge of planning dinner which usually means good beer and pub like food. He got a tip from Crawford and we went to Brew City in Worcester. I have to say, it wasn't bad. Service was definitely slow but they were able to accommodate a table of 7 - 9 people on short notice and we did stay there for 3 hours. Some of the beers were VERY expensive but the food was decent and "normal" beers were cheap.

This was a great way to start the hiking season. We got outside and just started moving! It wasn't long but it was just enough to get me going and try to be out more. The next trip report will be coming soon.